서비스 이용약관
Web/Artwork Design Services
The details of Web/Artwork Design Services are to be outlined in the invoice and email correspondences.
GNA EMARKETING does not guarantee that its products and services will be error free.
GNA EMARKETING is not liable for the recovery of any issues caused by the clients such as hacking or attempting to upgrade the plugins or theme.
Any website developed and artwork designed remains the property of GNA EMARKETING until the invoice is paid in full.
Domain and Hosting Services
Hosting and domain renewal fees must be paid in full for each term before the expiry date. The hosting renewal term is 1 year and the domain renewal (.com.au) term is 2 years in general.
If you don’t receive your hosting or domain renewal notice or invoice in time, please contact our office on 02 8970 9850 immediately. Failure to make a hosting payment, or late payment, will result in permanent removal of hosting data from our server. Failure of domain payment or late payment may result in not being able to purchase the domain through GNA EMARKETING.
The Hosting Service may have some downtime due to maintenance or some issues on the hosting servers without notice.
GNA EMARKETING is not liable for the recovery of any issues caused by the clients including hacking, spam emails, and virus.
Hosting Service does not include data backup - GNA EMARKETING is not liable for any loss of data/email that may occur during downtime.
Data backup services are available with extra cost.
All costs in this invoice are GST inclusive. The invoice No. has to be quoted in the payment description when making any payment. Failure to quote invoice No. may result in failure of payment or late payment.
If any additional work required, which is not included in the agreed services, GNA EMARKETING will charge extra. All additional work will be provided in a quotation.
No refund is available if the client changes their mind.
Either party may terminate this agreement by giving 14 days written notice to the other party. In the event that the Client postpones or terminates this agreement, the Developer shall have the right to bill pro rata for work that has already completed. If additional payment is due, this shall be payable within 14 days of the Client’s written notification to terminate the agreement.
Trading Terms
Client needs to pay 50% of the agreed fee within 5 working days of starting the project. All fees must be paid to us upon receipt of our tax invoice.